Retail business is generally a shop which buys certain products in bulk from a jobber and then sells it on appropriate market price keeping his profit as well to his potential customers. The location of a shop has to be on a perfect place otherwise its become really hard to sell its product.
This shop does not cater to the customers abroad because the physical location is the only thing which matters. Therefore, they were of the view that there is no need to create a retail logo design for them but due to the ongoing intense competition, they have also realized the inevitable importance of creating a brand mark for their business as well.
When it comes to the features consociated with these shop identities, there is no restriction. It is all up to the shopkeeper. The only thing is to make sure that these corporate identities are not too big with respect to design elements.
The question is why they need a brand mark for their small shop?
As mentioned earlier, its due to the intense competition going on. There are other reasons as well, like if you want to make your business card look professional, you must print your brand mark on it. This will leave a very good impression on your potential customers.
Internet has given a tremendous boost to online business which is why; you will find a corporate website for almost every business around whether small or big. Hence, if someone owns a shop, he will definitely have a website and without a brand mark, a websites look incomplete.
As you know, there are so many websites which offers online store for these shopkeepers in order to boost up their sales. They always ask for a logo from shopkeepers while signing up for their websites. If you would not have a business brand mark then how would you be able to promote your shop to the world?
Social networking platforms especially facebook now provides extraordinary exposure to companies and shop in the form of business pages. All you have to do is to make a business page and you will start generating fans in no time but what if you do not have an appropriate image to present your business? Here brand marks play its role.
If you have a chain of shops throughout the city then there must be something which will remind them of your identity. Retail logos will do a job of your shop representative to the viewers because the name of a brand is not enough today to set a business apart from the rest of the companies. There are many free online advertising portals where you can include you shop name to improve your online presence a lot.
Finally, if you are using traditional means of advertising then there must be a pictorial representation of your company to enhance your shop visibility such as in magazines and newspapers.
Therefore, you must first understand why your shop needs a unique business identity before you head towards an expert.
(Hanya untuk pemesanan dan tanya stock .. Tidak untuk KONFIRMASI TRANSFER)
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